Civic Engagement Practice

Civic Engagement Practice


Civic Engagement

The Center draws on the insights and skills of residents to power better local solutions for cities. Effective civic engagement is centered around people as conduits for perspectives that can only be learned from understanding their lived experience, building trust, and mutual support.

With the support of grants, technical assistance, and other resources, the Civic Engagement Practice helps cities partner with residents and community members to design and implement projects that solve important public problems.

Join us in the essential work of making our cities better places to live and work with the latest innovation techniques and research.


Civic Engagement

The Center draws on the insights and skills of residents to power better local solutions for cities. Effective civic engagement is centered around people as conduits for perspectives that can only be learned from understanding their lived experience, building trust, and mutual support.

With the support of grants, technical assistance, and other resources, the Civic Engagement Practice helps cities partner with residents and community members to design and implement projects that solve important public problems.

Join us in the essential work of making our cities better places to live and work with the latest innovation techniques and research.

Our Civic Engagement Programs


Cities of Service Coalition

Cities of Service Coalition

The Cities of Service Coalition encompasses more than 280 cities, representing over 84 million people across the Americas and Europe. These cities learn to apply user-centered design and data-driven approaches, tapping into the knowledge, creativity, and service of members to identify solutions that work—and those that can be replicated elsewhere.

The Center connects Coalition cities with resources and technical assistance and brings members together to share best practices and deepen relationships.


Love Your Block


Love Your Block

Love Your Block is a grant program that brings city leaders and residents together to build stronger neighborhoods, one block at a time. The program helps revitalize neighborhoods by supporting community-led projects, building civic engagement capacity, and forming reciprocal relationships between community members and city hall.

Through the program, the Center provides funding, technical assistance, and peer-learning opportunities to cities, who then award mini-grants to residents and community partners to spur neighborhood-driven change.

Upcoming Opportunities

Visit the Bloomberg Cities Network

The Bloomberg Cities website both spotlights best-in-class efforts in cities and provides access to cutting-edge resources and support for city leaders.

Join the Local Infrastructure Hub

The Local Infrastructure Hub helps local leaders navigate and understand the 400+ federal funding opportunities available through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.